2016.2.22-23に行われるシンポジウム「生命データ科学による新たな社会的価値の創造」に、永野が招待講演者として登壇いたします。 (さらに…)
投稿者別: anagano
KOREA-JAPAN Agricultural Genome Science Forum
12/16-18に韓国・済州島で行われたKOREA-JAPAN Agricultural Genome Science Forumで、永野が以下の発表を行いました。
「Field transcriptomics: Integration of transcriptomics and meteorology」
Atsushi J. Nagano
Transcriptome analysis of plant hormone-related tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genes in a sunlight-type plant factory
Tanigaki Y, Higashi T, Takayama K, Nagano AJ and Fukuda H (2015) Transcriptome analysis of plant hormone-related tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genes in a sunlight-type plant factory., PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0143412.
Genetic distance of inbred lines of Chinese cabbage and its relationship to heterosis
Kawamura K, Kawanabe T, Shimizu M, Nagano AJ, Saeki N, Okazaki K, Kaji M, Dennis ES, Osabe K and Fujimoto R (2016) Genetic distance of inbred lines of Chinese cabbage and its relationship to heterosis., Plant Gene, 5: 1-7.
High-throughput linkage mapping of Australian white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla) and map transferability to related species
Sakaguchi S, Sugino T, Tsumura Y, Ito M, Crisp MD, Bowman DMJS, Nagano AJ, Honjo MN, Yasugi M, Kudoh H, Matsuki Y, Suyama Y and Isagi Y (2015) High-throughput linkage mapping of Australian white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla) and map transferability to related species., Tree Genetics & Genomes, in press
RAD-Seqを利用して、Callitris glaucophylla(オーストラリアの針葉樹)の連鎖地図作成などを行った論文です。
Noise-plasticity correlations of gene expression in the multicellular organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Hirao K, Nagano AJ, and Awazu A (2015) Noise-plasticity correlations of gene expression in the multicellular organism Arabidopsis thaliana., Journal of Theoretical Biology, in press
育種学会 2015年度秋季大会で永野、手塚が以下の発表を行います。
2015.9.11 ワークショップ
W01「Restriction site associated DNA sequencing(RAD-seq)によるSNP検出と適用例」